Common Lisp Interface Manager CLIM II Specification
Apropos がいい。
Common Lisp Interface Manager CLIM II Specification
Apropos がいい。
(require :mcclim)
(in-package :clim-user)
(defun draw (frame stream)
(declare (ignore frame))
(loop for i from 1 to 100 by (random 10)
do (draw-circle* stream (+ 100 i) (+ 100 i i) 30
:filled nil
:ink (make-rgb-color
(random 1.0) (random 1.0) (random 1.0)))))
(define-application-frame nn-frame ()
(:menu-bar t)
(canvas :application
:min-width 500
:min-height 500
:scroll-bars nil
:display-time :command-loop ; command の度に描画する
:display-function 'draw))
(defalut (horizontally () canvas))))
(define-nn-frame-command (com-quit :menu t) ()
(frame-exit *application-frame*))
(define-nn-frame-command (com-redraw :menu t) ()
;; :display-time :command-loop なので何もする必要なし
(defun run ()
(make-application-frame 'nn-frame)))
前回はランダムな重みづけてネットワークを作りなおしていたが、今回は期待した出力でない場合に重みをちょっとずつ修正するネットワークにした。『脳 回路網のなかの精神』の次のステップね。
グラフィカルな表示が欲しいな。Context Free とか Processing とかだと簡単にできるのかな。
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(defparameter *threshold* 0.8 "閾値")
(defparameter *delta* 0.1)
(defclass value-mixin ()
((value :initarg :value :initform nil :accessor value-of)))
(defclass name-mixin ()
((name :initarg :name :initform "unknown" :accessor name-of)))
(defclass 2layer-network ()
((input :initarg :input :initform nil :accessor input-of)
(output :initarg :ouput :initform nil :accessor output-of)))
(defclass connection ()
((from :initarg :from :accessor from-of)
(to :initarg :to :accessor to-of)
(weight :initarg :weight :accessor weight-of)))
(defclass neuron (value-mixin name-mixin)
((froms :initarg :froms :initform nil :accessor froms-of)
(tos :initarg :tos :initform nil :accessor tos-of))
(:default-initargs :value 0.0))
(defmethod print-object ((x connection) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream)
(format stream "~a *~d ~a" (name-of (from-of x)) (weight-of x)
(name-of (to-of x)))))
(defmethod print-object ((x neuron) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream)
(mapc (lambda (connection) (print-object connection stream))
(tos-of x))))
(defmethod fire ((neuron neuron))
(mapc #'fire (tos-of neuron)))
(defmethod fire ((connection connection))
(fired (to-of connection) (weight-of connection)))
(defmethod fired ((neuron neuron) weight)
(incf (value-of neuron) weight))
(defmethod fire-p ((neuron neuron))
(< *threshold* (value-of neuron)))
(defmethod clear ((neuron neuron))
(setf (value-of neuron) 0.0))
(defun init-random-weight ()
(- (random 0.4) 0.2))
(defmethod connect ((from neuron) (to neuron)
&optional (weight (init-random-weight)))
(let ((connection
(make-instance 'connection :from from :to to :weight weight)))
(push connection (tos-of from))
(push connection (froms-of to))))
(defmethod get-connection ((from neuron) (to neuron))
(find to (tos-of from) :key #'to-of))
(defmacro with-2layer-network ((inputs outputs) &body body)
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x (make-instance 'neuron :name ',x)))
(append inputs outputs))
(loop for i in (list ,@inputs)
do (loop for j in (list ,@outputs)
do (connect i j)))
(defun ensure-fire (from to)
(if (fire-p to)
(prog1 nil
(let ((delta *delta*)
(connection (get-connection from to)))
(incf (weight-of connection) delta)))))
(defun ensure-not-fire (from to)
(if (not (fire-p to))
(prog1 nil
(let ((delta *delta*)
(connection (get-connection from to)))
(decf (weight-of connection) delta)))))
(defun all-t-p (&rest args)
(every #'identity args))
(defun main ()
(with-2layer-network ((a b c) (x y z))
for i from 1
until (all-t-p
(not (sleep 0.5))
(print (list i a b c))
(prog1 (all-t-p (mapc #'fire (list a c))
(print (list (mapcar #'fire-p (list x y z))))
(ensure-fire a x)
(ensure-fire c x)
(ensure-not-fire a y)
(ensure-not-fire c y)
(ensure-not-fire a z)
(ensure-not-fire c z))
(clear x) (clear y) (clear z))
(prog1 (all-t-p (mapc #'fire (list a b c))
(print (list (mapcar #'fire-p (list x y z))))
(ensure-fire a y)
(ensure-fire b y)
(ensure-fire c y)
(ensure-not-fire a x)
(ensure-not-fire b x)
(ensure-not-fire c x)
(ensure-not-fire a z)
(ensure-not-fire b z)
(ensure-not-fire c z))
(clear x) (clear y) (clear z))
(prog1 (all-t-p (mapc #'fire (list b))
(print (list (mapcar #'fire-p (list x y z))))
(ensure-fire b z)
(ensure-not-fire b x)
(ensure-not-fire b y))
(clear x) (clear y) (clear z))))))
『脳 回路網のなかの精神』を読んだ。
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(defclass value-mixin ()
((value :initarg :value :initform nil :accessor value-of)))
(defclass name-mixin ()
((name :initarg :name :initform "unknown" :accessor name-of)))
(defclass 2layer-network ()
((input :initarg :input :initform nil :accessor input-of)
(output :initarg :ouput :initform nil :accessor output-of)))
(defclass connection ()
((from :initarg :from :accessor from-of)
(to :initarg :to :accessor to-of)
(weight :initarg :weight :accessor weight-of)))
(defclass neuron (value-mixin name-mixin)
((connections :initarg :connections :initform nil :accessor connections-of))
(:default-initargs :value 0.0))
(defmethod print-object ((x connection) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream)
(format stream "~a *~d ~a" (name-of (from-of x)) (weight-of x)
(name-of (to-of x)))))
(defmethod print-object ((x neuron) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream)
(mapc (lambda (connection) (print-object connection stream))
(connections-of x))))
(defmethod fire ((neuron neuron))
(mapc #'fire (connections-of neuron)))
(defmethod fire ((connection connection))
(fired (to-of connection) (weight-of connection)))
(defmethod fired ((neuron neuron) weight)
(incf (value-of neuron) weight))
(defmethod fire-p ((neuron neuron))
(prog1 (< 0.8 (value-of neuron))
(setf (value-of neuron) 0.0)))
(defun init-random-weight ()
(1- (random 2.0)))
(defmethod connect ((from neuron) (to neuron)
&optional (weight (init-random-weight)))
(let ((connection
(make-instance 'connection :from from :to to :weight weight)))
(push connection (connections-of from))))
(defmacro with-2layer-network ((inputs outputs) &body body)
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x (make-instance 'neuron :name ',x)))
(append inputs outputs))
(loop for i in (list ,@inputs)
do (loop for j in (list ,@outputs)
do (connect i j)))
(defun main ()
until (with-2layer-network ((a b c) (x y z))
(let* ((r1 (progn (mapc #'fire (list a c))
(list (fire-p x) (fire-p y) (fire-p z))))
(r2 (progn (mapc #'fire (list a b c))
(list (fire-p x) (fire-p y) (fire-p z))))
(r3 (progn (mapc #'fire (list b))
(list (fire-p x) (fire-p y) (fire-p z)))))
(and (equal r1 '(t nil nil))
(equal r2 '(nil t nil))
(equal r3 '(nil nil t))
(print (list r1 r2 r3))
(print (list a b c)))))))