

risupu - notes on Lisp and programming: Parallel Mandelbrot computation in Lisp on a cluster に触発されて自前の Erlang まねっこライブラリでちょっとやってみた。

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))

(defconstant +resolution+ 5000)
(defconstant +iterations+ 100)

(declaim (inline iters))

(defun iters (max xc yc)
(declare (double-float xc yc))
(let ((x xc)
(y yc))
(declare (double-float x y)
(fixnum max))
(loop for count from 0 below max
do (when (>= (+ (* x x) (* y y)) 4.0d0)
(return-from iters count))
(let ((tmp (+ (- (* x x) (* y y)) xc)))
(setf y (+ (* 2.0d0 x y) yc)
x tmp)))

;; http://random-state.net/files/mandelbench.lisp
;; シングルスレッドバージョン
(defun main ()
(let* ((max (truncate +resolution+ 2))
(min (- max))
(mul (/ 2.0d0 max))
(count 0))
(declare (fixnum count))
(loop for i from min upto max
do (loop for j from min upto max
do (incf count (iters +iterations+ (* mul i) (* mul j)))))
(format t "result ~d~%" count)))

;; 50 スレッドバージョン
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require :quek))

(defun pmain ()
(let* ((max (truncate +resolution+ 2))
(min (- max))
(mul (/ 2.0d0 max))
(count 0)
(num-procs 50) ; 50 スレッド使う
(rows-pre-proc (/ +resolution+ num-procs))
(parent quek:*current-thread*))
(declare (fixnum count))
(loop for proc from 0 below num-procs do
(let* ((my-rank proc)
(local-min (+ min (* my-rank rows-pre-proc)))
(local-max (1- (+ local-min rows-pre-proc)))
(local-count 0))
(declare (fixnum local-min local-max local-count))
(loop for i from local-min upto local-max do
(loop for j from min upto max do
(incf local-count (iters +iterations+ (* mul i) (* mul j)))))
(quek:send parent local-count))))
(loop repeat num-procs do
(quek:receive ()
(x (locally (declare (fixnum x)) (incf count x)))))
(format t "result ~d~%" count)))

main の方はオリジナルのコード。 pmain の方は CL-MPI から翻訳。

CL-USER> (time (main))                  ; シングル thread
result 290068052
Evaluation took:
4.830 seconds of real time
4.764298 seconds of total run time (4.740296 user, 0.024002 system)
98.63% CPU
8,672,484,384 processor cycles
387,408 bytes consed

CL-USER> (time (pmain)) ; 50 thread
result 290068052
Evaluation took:
2.752 seconds of real time
5.064316 seconds of total run time (4.872304 user, 0.192012 system)
184.01% CPU
4,940,713,287 processor cycles
302,368 bytes consed



ところで CL-MPI の作者は、東京工業大学の先生のもよう。どうりでブログのタイトルが「risupu」だったりするわけだ。

CL-MPI を使えば Common Lisp で分散並列処理が可能になるのかな。いいな。おもしろそうだ。

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